Initially we recommend you spend little or no money until you discover which activities you enjoy. Discussion with experienced members will reveal the "pros and cons" of their style of boots, backpacks etc. Personal preferences vary considerably. Specialised equipment can cost a lot of money per item, therefore you should be sure you will continue bushwalking and know which items are best for your choice of walks or camps. There are some things that you must always take on any walk and this is covered in the 'Always Take' section of your Members Handbook and is also included in the lists below. 

Specialised bushwalking shops sell an extensive range of gear and many offer a 10% discount to Club Members. Family camping stores also have a range of items but don't stock as much lightweight equipment for through walking.


Equipment Hire

Through walking equipment is available from the Club Equipment Officer for hire by Club members. This is a good way to "try before you buy" and discover which styles or brands suit you, especially if you do not have any previous through walking experience.

More information can be found at Resources>Equipment Hire. Click here 



Most Queensland bushwalkers walk in shorts, both in summer and winter. Even in cold weather,  most people warm up soon after beginning the walk. If you prefer, long pants with zip off legs may be your choice. Jeans are not suitable for bushwalking. If it rains, wet long pants are not as easy to dry as wet legs! In scratchy terrain some wear long pants of light material, but you will also discover gaiters are good leg protection. You need a jumper, tracksuit top and/or thermals, even in summer. Remember the weather can vary in a short space of time. When you stop walking, especially on a mountainside, you soon feel cold.

For walking activities, footwear should be closed-toe shoes or boots that provide good foot protection.

It is customary to bring a change of clothes and footwear to change into for the drive home and the coffee stop, include a plastic bag for dirty boots and clothes.


Compulsory items for Daywalks and Other Activities

These items are also referred to by the club as "Always Take" items.

  • Back pack
  • Warm clothes (3 layers)
  • Raincoat
  • Food (lunch, snacks, spare)
  • Hat & sunscreen
  • Footwear (closed-toe)
  • Water (at least 2 to 3 litres)
  • Paper and pencil
  • Whistle
  • Torch
  • First aid kit (see below)
  • Matches or lighter
  • Change of clothes and shoes for driving home
  • Money for car pooling & drinks/snacks
  • Emergency blanket or bivy bag (Emergency blankets deteriorate and should be replaced regularly


Through Walks and Overnight Walks

  • Backpack
  • Tent and/or tent fly, pegs
  • Groundsheet
  • Parka, raincoat
  • Sleeping bag and inner liner
  • Hat, gaiters, sunglasses
  • Warm clothes for nights
  • Durable day clothing
  • Socks x 2 pairs
  • Sleeping mat
  • Swimsuit if near water
  • Water bottles
  • Matches or lighter
  • Head Torch
  • First aid kit
  • Whistle
  • Small piece of candle
  • Map & compass
  • Pot, frypan and billy lifters
  • Bowl, cup & plate, cutlery
  • Cooking appliance and fuel
  • Rubbish bag
  • Food - high energy
  • Soap, toothpaste, toilet paper
  • Toilet trowel
  • Small towel
  • Pen and paper
  • Contact officer details

Base Camps

  • Tent (large or small)
  • Sleeping mat (Thermarest, li-lo, foam, whatever!)
  • Warm bedding - sleeping bag and/or your Doona from home is good for winter
  • Stove (small camping style or larger 2 burner family camping style)
  • Billy and other cooking utensils
  • Food (typical - Sat breakfast, lunch suitable to go in daypack, evening meal Sun breakfast and lunch. Nibbles for Sat evening social time)
  • Usual day walking gear
  • Folding chair - optional
  • Pillow - optional

First Aid Kit

A small first-aid kit consisting of band-aids, paracetamol, wide elastic bandage, tweezers and anti-sting ointment will be sufficient for your first walk. This can be added to as you learn from others. A suggested list follows:

  • Triangular bandage
  • Snake bandage (Available at Club meetings)
  • 2 non-adhesive dressings
  • Fine tweezers, needles
  • Safety pins
  • Bandaids and wound dressings
  • Strapping sticky bandage and micropore tape
  • Gauze bandages  75mm
  • Cream for stings eg.Stingose, Paraderm
  • Painkilling tablets
  • Space blanket (Available at Club meetings)
  • Pencil & paper, plastic bags, first aid notes
  • ID
  • Personal medicines and instructions


  • Take food that you personally like.
  • Take more than you think you will need. Exercise builds appetites.
  • Take food easily cooked. Best if it fits into one pot on one burner.
  • Use food easily prepared and cooked. After walking all day you will want a meal with the least possible effort and fuss.
  • Pre-cooking saves time and fuel.
  • Fresh food keeps for a two-day weekend.
  • Dehydrated food saves weight only if you camp near water.
  • Dehydrated food is essential on extended walks.
  • Canned food is more suitable for base camps due to weight and litter.
  • Milk can be fresh, long life or powdered.
  • Plan each meal separately to ensure nothing is forgotten.
  • Reuse plastic food bags for rubbish and take everything home with you


  • Rolled oats, muesli, cereal, breakfast bars, etc
  • Powdered milk or individual small cartons
  • Fruit, fresh or dried
  • Bread or rolls with your favourite spread
  • Breakfast bars
  • Coffee, tea


  • Bread, white, brown pocket bread, pita bread, wholemeal, etc
  • Crisp bread, Ryvita, Vita wheat etc
  • Butter/margarine (optional, often best spread before leaving home)
  • Spreads, jams, honey, cheese, vegemite, etc
  • Sachets/tins of cold meats, salami, cheese, tuna
  • Salad items, tomato, avocado, cucumber, lettuce, etc
  • Snack pack fruits, fresh fruit (hard rather than squashy)


  • Tuna with pasta or fried rice
  • Noodle or pasta packages
  • Casseroles can be pre-cooked and frozen or dehydrated
  • Stir fried vegetables


  • Tea/coffee/Milo
  • Milk/sugar
  • Salt/pepper
  • Sweet biscuits
  • Chocolate, dried fruits
  • Scroggin, mixture of dried fruits, nuts, sweets etc